This is a super heavy breakfast option, very low in calorie and very filling.
This acts more like a template rather than a finished recipe. You can add more options if you like, or simply have it as if you are looking for a low calorie option. if you do decide to use milk, Livestrong.com states that :
Using 1 cup of whole milk with your oats will add about 150 calories, and a cup of skim milk will add about 80 calories.
1 cup rolled oats: 332kcal (This is apparently too much for one person, hence why I mentioned above that it feeds 1 -2 people, but try for yourself and see, if you use half a cup of rolled oats, that should give you 166kcal)
2-3 cups of water: 0kcal
2 tbsp agave syrup: 120kcal
Mix oats and water and pop into a microwave for 5 minutes.
add 2 tbsp of agave syrup after, stir and enjoy.
I say enjoy with a crooked smile, because to be honest it is something that will take getting used to if you have it plain. I hated this as first, but as I kept on having it, I adjusted to it, and it is my go-to option to starting a day with a low calorie meal, if I know I will not have the chance to work out but still want to maintain my calorie deficit for the day, or just incase I know I will have a high calorie meal later in the day.
Oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They're a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Studies show that oats and oatmeal have many health benefits. These include weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and a reduced risk of heart disease (healthline.com)
Fibrous foods like oats take longer to digest, and provide volume, which means they help you feel full and for longer. so I recommend this for anyone on a low calorie diet.
Feel free to share thoughts and suggestions below.
Till next time. 😊